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Inspired Action

Inspired Action

What is inspired action?

The Aligned Life describes Inspired action as “Is all getting inspired first and taking action from a place of alignment. It’s about knowing that divine inspiration will strike then acting on that inspiration quickly once it happens! When people talk about creativity, they’re often talking about this kind of action”!

Who is inspiring you now, and every day to make a difference?

This time has been about slowing down, resting and relaxing with family. The direction I would like to take is inspired action to make a difference in my family’s life.

My yoga teaching in venues came to a halt at the end of March 2020. I had been teaching classes weekly, and as a result of covid-19, we were hit by the lockdown. I had no idea how long this would be. However, I got reading and I commenced doing several motivational and inspirational online courses.

The people that help to keep me inspired are my family, closest friends and three amazing coaches.

Each one of them has shown and taught me how important it is to show up and not to hideaway. How to take the next step forward and at the same time enjoy the journey. 

My Journey

I am setting myself more goals and I am becoming more proactive and productive.

Although each of my coaches has very different specialities, what they do have in common is how important it is to have a positive mindset. They have taught me how valuable community, support and encouragement is, and to know how clear my message should always be.

What continues to inspire me is noticing that I have a choice and I get to choose and make a difference.

Inspired action for me is a feeling of excitement and spontaneity. Yet, an undertone of nervousness for something I have never done before however, I know it is the right time for me to make a change. I am more adaptable to the changes in a very positive way.

The intention of my classes is to bring you inspiration and excitement. Each class energizes and also has wonderful relaxation to support your daily routines.

The true practice of yoga is how we live our lives, so feel free to respond to contact me if you have any question.

To boost your immune system, release your stress and inspire you on your mat.

Book your online class.

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The Aligned Life


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